Quality Schools in Action: When Teachers Lead, Students Succeed

In North Philadelphia, a School District of Philadelphia elementary school is demonstrating the transformative potential of investing in teacher leadership. By empowering educators to lead and collaborate, Juniata Park Academy (JPA) has created an environment where both teachers and students thrive.
“At Elevate 215, we identify, study and invest in the different ways schools are able to improve outcomes for their students,” said Dr. Letisha Laws, Deputy Chief of School Based Initiatives at Elevate 215. “Juniata Park Academy has pinpointed an area of focus and works together with teachers and staff at the table to develop and implement a comprehensive plan for improvement.” She continued, “they are showing when teachers lead, students can succeed.”
Empowered Teachers Drive Academic Gains for Students
The collaborative, data-driven approach at Juniata Park Academy has made a tangible impact on student achievement, with a 13% increase in math proficiency on the statewide PSSA exams in a single year (2022-23 to 2023-24)—a testament to the power of collective problem-solving and continuous professional growth. Teachers analyze student data, identify learning gaps, and adjust lessons to ensure targeted support while maintaining grade-level rigor.
Building a School Culture with a Deliberate Focus on Teacher Leadership
Research shows that creating a school culture where peer-to-peer interactions among teachers is a standard practice can drive results in the classroom. Juniata Park Academy recognized that alignment and interconnectedness between school staff would be critical to serving their 872 vulnerable students.
The most important determinant in advancing student learning is the effectiveness of their teachers and we knew investing in the development and support for our JPA teachers would accelerate the quality of learning across our school. It was inspiring to see our teachers leverage opportunities to collaborate with their colleagues and grow professionally, both as individuals and as a school team.
Leaning on the expertise of their veteran teachers with a track record of success, weekly Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) were established where educators across grade levels could come together to:
- Adapt lesson plans to meet diverse classroom needs;
- Address challenges collaboratively and share effective strategies; and,
- Engage in meaningful dialogue to improve student mastery of skills and standards

This peer-led model, where teacher leaders take the forefront while administrators provide support, has fostered trust, collaboration, and a sense of ownership among educators. Teachers feel empowered to innovate, mentor their peers, and contribute directly to the school’s mission.
Team-based structures like these at JPA are cited in the Philadelphia Citywide Talent Coalition’s Teacher Retention Toolbox as an effective practice to support new teachers and leverage the expertise of veteran educators.
This teacher leadership experience is the first time I’ve had constructive conversations with my colleagues in such a powerful and energizing way. I’m looking forward to continuing the work next year.
Peer-to-Peer Connections Boost Teacher Retention
Integrated with the PLCs, the school holds individualized peer-to-peer coaching sessions that allow for actionable feedback tailored to each teacher’s needs. These sessions have enhanced instructional practices while reinforcing a culture of shared accountability for student success, further supporting the collaborative ethos at Juniata Park Academy.
Counter to some prevailing narratives about feedback, this focus on feedback through collaboration contributed to a 16% increase in teacher retention for this school year, ensuring that experienced educators remain in the classroom. This continuity allows teachers to deepen their understanding of students, curriculum, and school culture, creating a stable and inclusive learning environment.
“In addition to improving student learning outcomes in Math, JPA increased teacher retention during their first year of this grant,” added Elevate 215’s Dr. Laws. “Juniata Park Academy is a great example of how this type of collaborative educator-led model can be a win-win for students and staff.”
Promoting Teacher Leadership Practices
Elevate 215 provided a grant to support this initiative, which provided stipends for teacher leaders and training to lead PLCs and peer-to-peer coaching sessions. This model offers a blueprint for other schools striving to create environments where educators and learners alike can thrive. The achievements at Juniata Park Academy highlight an inspiring truth: when teachers lead, students succeed.