How We Fund Schools and Educators

Our Investment Approach
Elevate 215 funds grantees that either set the conditions for or directly impact the modern learning experience for students in Philadelphia. By 2027, we plan to have invested in 50 schools and reached 25,000 kids. The schools and organizations we support are high-impact with aligned missions to graduate students with the skills and experiences to access a pathway to a bright future. We do this in the following ways:
Beat-the-odds Cohort
Support a group of schools that are performing significantly above what their demographics and enrollment predict. We will provide resources and support that will help tip school performance and/or reach more students. The Cohort will convene throughout the life of the grant and ultimately be proof points of schools meeting the vision of the modern learning experience.
Goals & Accountability
Start new schools or expand existing schools that provide a modern learning experience.
Talent Pipeline
Develop a talent pipeline for teachers, leaders, and other school staff across the city.
Application Process
Elevate 215 has an invitation-to-apply process. To seek out grantees, the Investment Team will actively engage with a wide range of schools, CBO’s, talent pipeline and advocacy organizations. We monitor the education landscape for emerging strategies and opportunities. The team will invite potential grantees to apply based on priorities and specific criteria set by the organization.